We consider {\em class constrained} packing problems, in which we are given a set of bins, each having a capacity $v$ and $c$ compartments, and $n$ items of $M$ different classes and the same (unit) size. We need to fill the bins with items, subject to capacity constraints, such that items of different classes are placed in separate compartments; thus, each bin can contain items of at most $c$ distinct classes. We consider two optimization goals. In the {\em class-constrained bin-packing problem (CCBP)}, our goal is to pack all the items in a minimal number of bins; in the {\em class-constrained multiple knapsack problem (CCMK)}, we wish to maximize the total number of items packed in $m$ bins, for $m > 1$. The CCBP and CCMK model fundamental resource allocation problems in computer and manufacturing systems. Both are known to be strongly NP-hard. In this paper we derive tight bounds for the online variants of these problems. We first present a lower bound of $(1+\alpha)$ on the competitive ratio of {\em any} deterministic algorithm for the online CCBP, where $\alpha \in (0,1]$ depends on $v,c,M$ and $n$. We show that this ratio is achieved by the algorithm {\em first-fit}. We then consider the {\em temporary CCBP}, in which items may be packed for a {\em bounded} time interval (that is {\em unknown} in advance). We obtain a lower bound of $v/c$ on the competitive ratio of {\em any} deterministic algorithm. We show that this ratio is achieved by all {\em any-fit} algorithms. Finally, tight bounds are derived for the online CCMK and the {\em temporary} CCMK problems.